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Home Center for Government Interoperability Opportunities Checklist for
New Software Projects
Data Table Managment
Enterprise Focused Development

IT Blueprint For Government
by Alex Glaros

Ideas for the Future

Gov Ideas

Center for Government Interoperability

Government Ideas - a blueprint for guiding the future of government business systems

New Concepts For Improving Government Information Technology Processes

Center for Government Interoperability

The Center for Government Interoperability's mission is to provide financial relief to cash starved government organizations by providing them with shared, low cost, integrated software applications for managing their organizations.

Opportunities Checklist for
New Software Projects

One of the simplest implementation methods for enterprise data integration is the distribution of a checklist to anyone that designs a business application or data table.

The goal is for this checklist to be applied by the broadest possible group of organizations to ensure that interoperability checks become a permanent part of everyone's organizational structure.

Enterprise Focused Development

A new software development methodology to cut government's software expenses and create higher quality computer systems.

The importance of data table management

How government is missing the mark by not making table design the main focus in building apps and implementing Enterprise Architecture.